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Configure your gentoo server as anycast DNS

System Prerequisities

We are assuming that on your system sshd is already installed end well configured


Follow this guide critically!

Do not copy/paste things on your system without fully understanding what you are doing!

This guide can break your ssh server setup if followed as dogma!

Install the necessary software

Enable git useflag for layman editing


app-portage/layman      git

Enable ** keyword for monkeysphere

Add that keyword to install version 9999 editing /etc/portage/package.keywords/monkeysphere

app-crypt/monkeysphere::eigenlay        **

Install layman, monkeysphere and bind 9

Depending on your useflag configuration it will ask you other things, don't panic just read and try to understand

emerge -avq app-portage/layman app-crypt/monkeysphere net-dns/bind